2011년 5월 28일 토요일

William Shakespeare

Brief Description
     William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, on the year April 23, 1564. Holy Trinity Church indicated records that Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, 3 days after he was born.  William was born from his father, John Shakespeare, a glover and leather merchant, and Mary Arden, a landed heiress. William, was the third child of eight children of the Shakespeare household. The sad thing about the family was, three of them died in childhood due to sickness in the 16th century and weak immunity to the diseases at that time. Shakespeare produced most of his famous works such as Hamlet, Romeo Juliet, Macbeth, etc. between the years 1589 and 1613. His productions were mainly comedies and histories, which he had made continuously until the end of the 16th century. He then moved onto writing tragedies until about 1608. These compositions that he wrote were considered to be one of the greatest works of the English language as Shakespeare made new words enlisted to the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies a mix of tragic and a bit of humor events combined into one play. Shakespeare died what he loved doing on April 23th 1616 in his birth hometown.

Influence to Other Writers
     Shakespeare influenced novelists such as famous authors, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, etc. Today, due to research, scholars have identified 20,000 pieces of music and writing styles linked to Shakespeare's compositions and his works. As a matter of fact, if not for Shakespeare and his remarkable writing talent and skill, many of today's classic authors would not have been able to no longer define their writings as "classics" as we call it today. Shakespeare was also known to have created more words to the new-born "English" language. Today, not only are writers influenced by the characteristics, mood, and plots of the story are, but how he created new letters in order for the people that live in the modern world, can use. Because of him, we are able to increase and show our feelings through our writings and compositions because of his influence in creating more legible and sophisticated words, and his influence on others in writing tragic, comedy, and romance based on his original dramas.

Style of Writing
     Shakespeare's first plays were written in the style of the way he truly believed of what he thought was, romance, love, and peace. He wrote numerous plays and poems in a stylized language that people usually did not understand right on, but would think critically to understand  it well. With the English language becoming more stylized, Shakespeare would often exaggerate in words that usually didn't always come out naturally from the needs of the characters in the story, or the stage performance. The poetry and the long sonnets of his compositions usually depended on extended, sometimes elaborate metaphors and description. The reason to this was because in acting, it often made more sense and people would have a strong idea in which how the character felt, and what he was truly expressing in the story plot. Of course, today many people who aren't bibliophiles or true fans of romantic style of books would easily fall asleep while reading one of Shakespeare's writings. However, it is said that if you read very, very carefully and understand what message that he is trying to convey to the reader and the audience, then it would clearly impact your life and learn something useful that you may later on need to know about in order to live in this world.

2011년 5월 16일 월요일

William S. Harney

Brief Description

      William Selby Harney was born on August 22nd, 1800  and died on May 9th, 1889. Harney was a cavalry officer in the U.S Army during the Mexican and American Wars and the Indian Wars. Harney's military career was launched when his brother Benjamin F. Harney, an Army surgeon  instructed and inspired him to join the U.S Army. However, William was more interested in joining the Army, but convinced the famous general, Andrew Jackson into joining the Navy. After being accepted into the Navy, he entered as the second Lieutenant ,but later on chose to serve under General Andrew Jackson. During the Mexican-American Wars, he was promoted to colonel, and was the commander of the 2nd Dragoons. Harney led attacks against the Sioux on the Battle of Ash Hollow  in 1855, which was where the Sioux were defeated. After the battle, the Sioux called Harney "Woman Killer." This was one of the opening battles in the more than two decades of the Plains Indian Wars commanded by Harney, himself. Harvey was later promoted to brigadier general on June 14, 1858, as he was one of the four general officers in the regular army towards the beginning of the Civil War.

Civil War

       Throughout the Civil War, Harney was not known to do or perform any important deeds that would certainly change the whole concept and image of the Civil War. After conflicts in Missouri, the Missourian Governor Claiborne Jackson (who was more interested in secession rather uniting into one nation ) swore allegiance to the Union in the deal in not joining the Union, but seceding from it. To the Unionist leaders in Missouri, they were no at all pleased about this,  On May 30th, Blair reported all of this to the Lincoln administration in Washington, and was given the order to replace Harney with Lyon. Harney was called to Washington to discuss this situation. However, Harney was captured by Confederates while proceeding through his mission and was offered a command by the famous Confederate General Robert E. Lee. However, he refused the generous offer and was released, peacefully to continue on to Washington, where he was permanently relieved of his command and no longer a major leader of the U.S Army. Upon returning to Washington, Harney remained in Washington, serving in various administrative positions. He retired in 1863, and was promoted to Major General in 1865, in recognition of his long and patriotic loyalty to the Union Army.

Peace Negotiator

     Harney was known not just for his brutality and loyalty in commanding battles, but he was also known as a dedicated peaceful negotiator. Harney was a man, as described by his past Indian rivals, as a man who kept his word. Before even launching attacks in the Mexican-American Wars, Harney insisted in writing letters to both the government and the leaders of the Indian tribes that they were going against, so they would find a peaceful resolution rather then having pointless bloodshed amongst both sides. However, often times the letters would fail and Harney would be forced to fight against the Indians.

2011년 5월 9일 월요일

Willard Christopher "Will" Smith, Jr.

Brief Description
Willard Christopher "Will" Smith, Jr. was born September 25, 1968 and was raised in West Philadelphia. He was raised as a Baptist Christian, but his parents shook his faith after they had divorced when he was thirteen years old. He was apparently rumored that Smith was given a scholarship to attend M.I.T. However, he said that he turned down the offer because he knew that he did not want to pursue a career as an engineer, but rather was looking for something else. Smith later decided that acting was something that he was into and was willing to take the time and energy to work on it. He was much featured in a T.V show that many people enjoyed called "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". He also starred in various movies such as "I Am Legend", "i-Robot", etc. Smith also declined many other famous role parts such as the role for playing Neo in the famous world-wide known movie, Matrix. Instead, he chose to act in a drama/play called West Wide Story. As an avid movie critic and viewer, he made decisions in his career that some people thought of as very derogatory, or unwise, but nevertheless, he is who he is today.

Music and Acting and His Life
     Will Smith Jr. first took his career in to music before coming into the acting business. He was known to be known as the "Fresh Prince" which was the nickname given when he was a childhood, and which started the idea of the famous T.V series, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Smith was originally known as the MC of the hip-hop duo DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince throughout his musical career, with his childhood friend Jeffrey "Jazzy Jeff" Townes as turntablist and producer as well as Ready Rock C (Clarence Holmes) as the human beat box. The three young men were very entertaining to the crowd, and were often known not for their fantastic musical ability, but because of their humorous acts that made many people laugh during their shows. He later on gave up his rapping career for acting. Smith was known mostly because of his humorous figure that was shown because of his outgoing personality. Smith currently has three children, Trey Smith, Jaden Smith, and Willow Smith, who have much talent inherited through their parents. Smith married another woman before having Jaden and Willow Smith, which was how he had Trey. He then divorced with Trey's mother and married Jada Smith.

Smith's Beliefs and Faithful Duties
     Smith was born and raised as a Baptist Christian from when he was a young child until today. He has mentioned in the past that his faith shaken when his parents were separated when he was a child. However, he has confirmed that he has full faith in God as he had studied many different religions including Scientology. He says that as a true Christian, he/she must be able to have knowledge in the many different fields of beliefs and faith. Smith knows that 98 percent of what he had studied in Scientology was actually based on the Christianity beliefs and were basically referencing the Bible most of the time. Throughout his life, he has earned so much money through his career that he has been ranked as one of the forty richest people on Earth. He has given away millions and millions of dollars in charity to many different mission charities. He also donated millions of dollars to many Christian schools, and Christian missionary trips in which he has attended to two of them.

2011년 5월 2일 월요일

William Franklin "Billy" Graham Jr.

Brief Description

     William Franklin "Billy" Graham Jr. was born on November 7, 1918 and is currently still living today. Today he lives to be 91 years old, and to be 92 years old this year, 2011. "Billy" Graham was known throughout the world for being a worldwide evangelists in the 1900's. He launched many Crusades in many different countries preaching the gospel of God to the churches and fellow brethren. Graham was also known for assisting many of the presidents of the United States from President Harry Truman, to the current President of America, Barack Obama. He has given advice to the Presidents about spirituality and their faith in God as leaders of the country. He was born and introduced to Christ through being a Southern Baptist in America and grew his fame as he began preaching through the radio and television through recognition from various famous Christian leaders of the world. Graham was known for saving many people's lives of the world in the year, 1993. During that year, more than 2.5 million people stood up in his Crusades confessing and believing in Jesus Christ as their Lord. He was also known to be one of the greatest and most influential role models throughout not only the Christian society, but also worldwide through convincing many people to accept Jesus Christ into their lives.

Billy Graham's Crusades

      Graham is probably known by many pastors and Christian leaders in the world because of his Crusades. Since 1948, he would launch Crusades worldwide, and he would lead them, himself by renting a stadium, park, street, etc. The number of people would gradually grow and more and more people would be interested in his Crusades every time he went around the city. Graham used a method of asking many people in the audience to come and step forward, as he and his prayer supporters would come and help him and pray for the person who was sick, or was in serious need of prayer. Over 155,000 people would come upstage in almost every Crusade to receive prayer from him and his team, and receive God's blessing. Many people admired him throughout this one decision that he made while doing Crusades. Graham was offered a 5 year contract with NBC being with Arthur Godfrey for 5 million dollars in salary. However, he declined the offer because he wanted to continue doing what God planned for him to do, launch and succeed in Crusades.

Later years and his works

     Billy Graham helped many famous people in 1900's. One of them who was Martin Luther King Jr. At that time, Martin Luther King Jr. was in prison for launching civil rights movements through marching through the streets and disrupting the public with their "unreliable" complaints to the government. Billy Graham helped pay the money for the release of Martin Luther King Jr. which proved to be a very good decision. After that, King would be preaching the the Lincoln Memorial to many people and would change history forever. Billy Graham also helped many Presidents and also foreign conflicts. One of the foreign missions that he was sent to do was to go to North Korea and evangelize there. However, like many missions, this one came to be not such a major success, but enough of a success to spark a light of hope in the North Korean people that God was helping them. He also visited Korea, which over one million people attended his Crusade, causing a huge impact on the country. Today, because of his failure in health, and his decreasing of hearing and seeing, he has retired, but still works on preaching the Word of God whenever he can. In the future, it is said that Billy Graham will probably do a televised series of Evangelism through via television and making the broadcast worldwide. Graham has preached to over millions upon millions of the world, and God has and will use him for more in the promising future.

William the I, the Conqueror, and Duke of Normandy

Brief Description of William I 

     William I of Normandy was born around the year 1028 A.D and died at the year 1087 A.D.
William of Normandy originally not part of the English royalty, nor was he related to any of the English. However he earned his rights to be king of England when he invaded England with soldiers from the Normandy, Fleming, Breton, and the Frenchmen to assist  against their king, King Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 A.D.Throughout the English History, this would turn out to be one of the most important events in the history of England. He also brought in the Norman-French culture into England. However, he did encourage on feudalism which was known to completely destroy the idea of education. At this time, the Dark Ages, or the Middle Ages, was the most drastic period of human history. This was because education was held back fro more than 400 years now, and throughout those 400 years, we would've advanced in technology and have more better understanding of who we are as humans, and many more concepts that we all are curious and are eager to know about.

The Fight for the Crown of England

     After the death of the English King Edward the Confessor, three competitors came to compete to take the throne of the childless king and rule over England, which was very power in military as well as having connections to the world through political and trading. William of Normandy, Harold Godwinson the powerful Earl of Wessex; and the Viking King Harald III of Norway, who was also known as Harald Hardrada. However, out of these three, William I of Normandy had the most chance and probability of receiving the throne. First, was because of his blood relations with the past king, Edward. He was related to him through his great Aunt, the mother of Edward the Confessor. William I also met with Edward when he was sent into exile to Normandy. There in Normandy, the two bonded with each other with him saving Edward's life in a shipwreck, and Edward pledging a loyalty to him after being knighted by William I, himself. Edward the Confessor also promised him that he would pass down his crown to William I after they met in London.

Invasion of England against Harold Godwinson and Other Intruders
     William the I was now up against Harold Godwinson the Earl of Wessex because both of them were trying to reach the same goal, invade England and take the throne for themselves. Now, William I needed to gain support from many powerful people including Pope Alexander II who gave him a consecrated banner. He used methods and forms of bribing by promising his supporters land and riches in England that awaited them. William I of Normandy, massed up a fleet of ships called the "Dives-sur-Mer" and also hired many mercenaries. Besides his home army from Normandy, he gathered and massed allies and mercenaries from Brittany, north-eastern France and Flanders, together with soldiers from parts of France and from the Norman colonies in southern Italy.
     Harold Godwinson would  gather an large army in England, and call out for his fleet of ships to block against William I of Normandy, who was planning on docking and invading England through the English Channel. However there were problems throughout assembling this army. Because of there were so many troops to feed and shelter, supplies would plummet down very quickly and would drastically be gone within a couple of months, perhaps weeks. Also, to make things worse, William I of Normandy would be delaying his attack at his time because he was stuck in sea, and was trying to make it out of it so that he could find a safer route for him to invade England. Harold had no choice but to release most of his men when food and supplies were low, which left the English Channel unprotected by a powerful force.
     Other ruler named Harald III of Normandy would arise to the scene with his ally, Tostig Godwinson, who were both interested in the crown of England. Together they would arise against Harold and attempt to invade. However this failed, when Harold Godwinson already approached them with his army, who gathered again, and set off on a four-day march to oppress Harald III of Normandy. Harold Godwinson was the victor. 

Battle of Hastings 1066 A.D

      Upon defeating Harald III of Normandy and Tostig Godwinson, Harold Godwinson marched back on his way to England to face against William I of Normandy. William I of Normandy built a fort in Hastings particularly because of its location. The location was surrounded by marshes which would be hard for a large army to get across and  attack properly. When William I of Normandy heard of Harold Godwinson approaching towards his direction, he left his fort and advanced forward with his army and met with Harold, 7 miles from Hastings. The battle lasted nearly the entire day, but eventually William I of Normandy became the winner after killing Harold Godwinson. Both of Godwinson's brothers who bravely fought alongside with him died as well, and the remaining few English soldiers that had survived all fled for their lives making the battle, surely a Norman victory.